as i said i would, i paid a visit to the catholic superstore this afternoon bringing onto my team a defensive specialist. the selection there is great. i think the medallion i picked is the right st. christopher for our needs. before i pulled away from the css, st. christopher was settled into place around my neck. imagination or not, i felt a mantle of calm settle over me. i can't say what the dodge intrepid felt. i've not spent a lot of time developing even a short term relationship with the car that's marking time as i wait for my truck to come home. on another note, i paid a personal visit to the nissan place this morning in order to better express, face to face, my frustration with this whole effing truck fiasco. i asked ann if she had a "boss". she took me to meet her supervisor, rex. i asked him if he was familiar with my situation. he replied "yes sir i am, and there's no one more frustrated than i am with this whole thing". me-- really? you oughta be standing in my thom mccann's buddy!". to their credit the two of them let me vent my spleen without once saying, "but it's not our fault. if only they'd get the head back to us we could have your truck done in no time". i do realize that part is beyond mcgavock's control. but i had to listen to another empty pledge, "if they get it finished today..." and how many times over the past six weeks have i heard that old saw. then it hit me. it makes perfect sense! the head shop they sent my truck's part to has to be "the music box" over on tenth. you locals will recall they are long time purveyors of bongs, pipes and other innocent paraphenalia which might be associated with smoking of the "wacky weed". work performed in a purple haze most assuredly lacks the sense of urgency i expect from the head banger working on my truck part. could it be? naaahh, surely not. or could it? and i'm out.
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