wonder of wonders, ann called to let me know that the "head is in". me-- great! she--"but there's a problem. "they (meaning the folks at the music box head shop, i would assume) lost some of the tubes that go in there. i've ordered replacements to be delivered overnight. the parts man is supposed to call to see if they are available in dallas. if they are, they should be here in the morning, then all we have to do is put it together ". about this time a fella' named murphy, and his laws popped into my head. like murphy seems to be , i am something of a pessimist. several of his laws seem to be applicable to our (me and the truck's) situation. for instance, probably the best known of his laws is #3 most assuredly applies--, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". but he, murphy, has any number of other laws and corollaries, several of which seem to apply to my truck's not being fixed yet. #1 might apply--"nothing is as easy as it looks, and #2 as well, "everything takes longer than you think". how about #7---"left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse". I like # 11-- "it is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious", and # 13 "every solution breeds new problems". one of his philosophies, i'm thinking i tempted to adopt-- "smile...tomorrow will be worse". at least his quantization revision has not applied. that being..."everything goes wrong all at once". mcgavock has parceled out the pain over the course of the 6 weeks of this trial. to borrow a phrase from my son-in-law, mr. murphy is a "negative nancy". murphy's laws or no, i have hope, and choose to believe, that st. christopher will trump murphy and his laws. time will tell. root for all us will you, my truck, st. christopher and me. the way things have gone thus far, st. christopher is gonna' have his work cut out for him. and i'm out.
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