"out of desperation is born a sense of determination and creativity". --unknown surely someone famous penned a variation of the phrase above as i feel it was not first hatched in the fallow fields of this mind. i have reached a point in my truck saga that approaches desperation. i've jokingly spoken out loud to some, the idea of seeking an exorcism for the frontier. not being truly serious about that idea, i wondered if there is a patron saint of automobiles. a far-fetched idea perhaps, but as our family has had a positive, personal experience with the st. joseph's statue, house selling kit, i thought it worth a bit of investigation. gotta love the catholic's, they have a patron saint for just about any situation or dilemma one might find themselves facing. my search revealed st. christopher as the patron saint of drivers and automobiles. who knew? a further search revealed there are prayers to st. christopher. and so on easter sunday a plan was hatched to reverse all previous, and belay any further, negative truck related experiences for me and my truck. the plan is to obtain a st. christopher medal to take with me when i go to check the truck out of the hospital. thus armed with his medal and prayers to his spirit, i would invoke st. chrisopher's blessing on the truck and myself. it is my sincere hope that, with the new and true heart at it's core, and under the newly invoked aegis of our patron saint, our troubled past will be--well, a thing of the past. am i serious, you might ask. yes, i am! as serious as a heart transplant! and i'm out.
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