so, to celebrate the first day of spring around these parts, what do you suppose the weather mavens ordered up for us? another beautiful day to kick off the new season in style? one could hope. but that's not exactly what happened. instead, the mavens predicted another winter storm to go along with the several we've already had this winter. what are they trying for? a matched set? the prediction was for 2 inches during the night and another 2 inches during the day. the first day of spring, for pete's sake. for most folks in this part of the world, 4 inches of snow is not too much of a problem. a hassle perhaps, but not a problem. it's not the snow, it's the blow. four inches of snow, with wind like we had during the night and this morning, can whip the 4 inches into drifts several feet high. and that is exactly what happened. it was still snowing and blowing as i drove cautiously to work about 6:30 in the a of m. blowing such that one could not really see the road ahead of you. trusting in the 30 years of driving this road i managed to make it to work on time. It continued to snow and blow until mid day. the clouds thinned, the sun finally showed and by quitting time the roads were clear and the latest thaw had begun. predicted temp for tomorrow? mid 50's! gotta love the pandhandle weather. and if you don't love the weather at the moment, wait 5 minutes, a change is on the way.
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