today dawned with beautiful, clear skies. the temp is in the mid 20's, headed toward the 50's they say. reading the headlines in today's newspaper i see that yesterday's storm dumped 5 inches of snow at the NWS, setting a new record for snow fall on the first day of spring. the old record was 4.2 inches set on the first day of spring in 1989. from that we can gather it was not the first time it has snowed on the first day of spring. not surprising, i suppose, as it is just one day away from the last day of winter, after all. the order of the day will be watching for the temps to rise and the remainder of the snow drifts to melt away. from kenemac47, this has been your panhandle weather up date. i hope the weather in your neck of the woods is as worthy of the second day of springs as ours promises to be. have a great day, where ever you are. and i'm out.
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