Monday, May 24, 2010

in my 60+ years i've had occasion to attend any number of funerals. generally, funerals are sad affairs, but i've been to two which i would call, not so much funerals, but true celebrations of the decedent's life. one such was my good friend mike roberts. the second i attended today. it was the service for a family friend, jackie rawson of san antonio. from the outset, those in attendance were appraised that there would be laughter and there would be tears. and there was, both aplenty. not just an occasional embarrassed titter but full on, now that was funny, laughter. and tears, but not the kind any one would try to hide. tears of joy for a rich and wondrous life lived to the fullest. in a word, this service spoke of love. the love given to and received from an anchor for her family, for those on tree house-- the street where she and lloyd have lived for 30+ years, where tim and lisa grew up and where the celebration of a life well lived continued after final respects were paid at the cemetery. there at jackie's house on tree house the stories continued. and with the stories, so continued the laughter and tears, but mostly laughter. remembrances shared of a wife, a mom, a sister, an aunt and the grand dame of tree house lane. i'm glad we knew you jackie. god's speed!

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