I had an e-mail from a very good friend last night commenting on the dearth of blog entries on "kdg" since the frontier got back from the truck hospital. in my reply, i commented that it's tough to be spontaneously clever. tv's summer fare is an example in kind. "last comic standing" for instance-- those comics don't just make their entrance onto the "lcs" stage and reel off bit after hilarious bit without preparation. their "sets" most assuredly are rehearsed over and over again to get down timing and inflection, whatever it is that makes us laugh takes work. "america's got talent"? cheers from the crowd-- vegas! vegas! vegas!-- doesn't happen off the cuff. we her at 7420 rooted hard for 2007 "agt" winner, terry fator. if you recall, he is an amazing singing ventriloquist. immensely talented, terry had been laboring on the "county fair circuit" for years before winning "agt" and a multi-million dollar deal with "the mirage" in las vegas. my admiration for the comic/songster/ventriloquist grew immensely when terry honored his contract with the tri-state fair even after winning the million dollar prize for topping the 'agt' slate of finalists that year. btw, if you are ever in vegas terry fator's show is woth the price of a ticket, i gurantee. but to my point-- the very talented finalists on reality shows like "agt" don't just stroll in off the street to earn a chance to compete. raw talent will only get you so far. to be a allowed to compete, an artist's craft must be honed in the fires of trial, error and frequent repetition . which brings me back to the point of this piece. blogging can be a challenge. writing something someone out there in the etherlands would care to read is not all that easy. without the least germ of inspiration, blog entries just don't happen. so thank you jl! without your e-mail this entry to "kdg", be it good or bad, would not have come tripping out my fingertips and onto your screen. i hope you all have a bang up 4th of july and may god bless america! aio
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