more than once my kids have heard me posit "there's a difference between wants and needs". since mid february i've been anticipating a visit from chris. as the days and weeks have passed, my level of anticipation and excitement has amped exponentially. saturday, 5/22 was to be the day my wanting to see him would come to realization at last. on wednesday, 5/19, we received a call telling us that a long time family friend, after a lengthy fight against the monster that is cancer, had at last succumbed. from that moment i began a necessary shift from selfish want, to a more selfless need. my younger children were raised in the main by our mary and judy. these remarkable ladies are two among the remarkable loeser family. mary and judy, and over the years the rest of the loesers, took chris and then kelly into their lives and hearts; not blood kin, but family none the less. over the years, the kids were included come vacation time and thus they/we came to love jack, winnie and joe, as well and jackie and jayne and their hubbies and kids as well. we all, but more especially our kids, have many memories of the time spent basking in loeser love and fun. memories that must include grandmother loeser's potatoe soup on halloween night, of innumerable trips down south to san antonio and to angleton for loeser fun in the sun. as much as i have been wanting 5/22 to get here the greater need is to go to chris in austin, to be with him and our loeser family in their loss. the greater need is to be there with chris and our loeser family--to share their grief, to recall favorite memories of jackie and to celebrate a beautiful life. RIP
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