As sure as the sun rises in the east, and with the same anticipation, my first computer task each day is to check for a new entry at "The Monkey Heart Discourses". If none appears I find myself disappointed. Always I am curious to see and read what musings might be forthcoming from the reaches of the monkey heart on this day. A recent note therein hinted that all things happen for a reason and in my mind there is truth in that nugget. Had circumstance not lead me north, had east not traveled west, most certainly the twain would not have met and the rest of the story would read much differently. The pull of the universe did bring us to our intended places and thus a monkey heart was planted in baby's chest. And all that came after has served to make that heart insightful, searching, tender and loving; wanting and yet not afraid to step out on a journey of uncertain end. Only the spinning of the universes and the twists of fate will show to all just where the monkey heart's journeys will lead, what sights it will see, what moments will make their mark on that brave and glorious one.
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